12 November, 2021
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Grant Writing


Zajonc University is prepared to offer the client expert consulting and assistance in the development, writing, submission, and administration of grants and contracts. Zajonc University has more than 20-plus years experience in the identification of funding sources, preparation of grants and contracts, submission of proposals and applications and post-award administration.

Funding Source

Identification Electronic searching of the Internet and agency publications for specific funding sources.

Pre-Award Grant and Contract Administration

Development of the grant and contract application, including needs assessments, budgetary calculations, identification of resources and assets, conference planning for collaborators, and negotiations with partners. In addition, Zajonc University will assist in the development of Facilities and Administrative costs calculations for each application.

Post-Award Grant and Contract Administration

Upon review of a client's successful application, Zajonc University can provide expert support and consultation on the administration of the Grant or funding award. This service will include compliance with all funding agency criteria, all local, state and federal regulations, all fiscal oversight, and all staffing issues.

Grant Writing Training Provided by Zajonc University

Don't Learn to Write a Grant-LEARN TO WRITE YOUR GRANT!

With more than 20 years of experience in the preparation, submission and administration of federal and private grant and contract applications, Zajonc University is prepared to professionally and effectively assist the client in these same functions. Zajonc University Staff will consult and collaborate with you on the development of your grants objectives and assist you in the writing of the proposal or application.


Zajonc University will present a training program tailored to the client's needs and specifications. The curriculum will provide you with the appropriate training necessary to assume the functions of grant writing, submission and administration. This is a "nuts and bolts" training presentation designed to give you the tools necessary to manage your own writing, submission and administration of your grant and contract efforts.


Zajonc University believes the best grant is the one written by those who will perform the work and will be responsible for the results. Zajonc University is here to help you get to the point of being a successful grant writer and manager.


Become a Zajonc University client and have access to Zajonc University's award winning "Grant Library" featuring the top scoring grants of the past 3 years.


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